Access to Justice for Children with Autism
Dr Zoe Hobson
Former team member
In July 2013, Zoe was awarded her PhD in Psychology from London South Bank University. Her research explored Eyewitness Identification Performance of Multiple Perpetrators. Throughout her PhD, Zoe has gained experience on research projects that have involved using different interview techniques with a range of participant groups, namely children, older adults and adults with intellectual disabilities. Until March 2014, Zoe worked as a Research Assistant at City University, London, collecting data for the ‘Making it Fair for Child Witnesses’ study. Zoe currently works for the Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime as a Research Analyst, which involves conducting research on a variety of topics across London. Projects focus on evaluating a mental health triage service that provides support to police officers on the street, plotting a victims journey through the criminal justice service, implementation and evaluation of body worn video cameras and gang related research.