Access to Justice for Children with Autism

Details of relevant events on autism and the criminal justice system, organised by our team, are available here.

Autism awareness sessions for police officers
In 2015 and 2016, we organised three autism awareness sessions for police, featuring talks from autistic witnesses/defendants, police officers, and intermediaries. Due to popular demand, we are organising another session in April 2019!

Vulnerable Eyewitness Professional Development Conference
A free conference at the University of Winchester, relevant for those working with vulnerable witnesses in the criminal justice system.

Experiences of autism and policing
A one-day training event aimed at frontline police officers, organised (by Dr Laura Crane and Dr Katie Maras) as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2014.

Autism and the Criminal Justice System
City University, London hosted a one-day conference focused on best practice for witnesses and defendants with autism.